Christmas. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” so the song goes. It can be, but for many it’s a tough time with too much to do, too many places to be, and an enormous amount of obligation. Obligation is a huge energy drainer at this time of year—attending events you don’t want to, sharing meals with people you don’t like, buying gifts for people because you have to!

Doing Christmas ‘your way’ is the answer. Find the joy in the bits you love and fa-la-la all the way into the New Year. There is a lot to love about Christmas. The upside of Christmas is yummy food, thoughtful gifts, time with people you love, celebrating the past 12 months, family traditions, and glittery decorations. The downside is overeating, wasted money, difficult people, and years of resentment all showing up in one day!

The power of anything is in choosing what you love and leaning into that. The secret is to do more of what you love and less of what grinds your gears!

We get energy when we do things we enjoy. When we hang out with people we love, when we visit places we enjoy. Christmas is an excellent time to be honest. You know it’s coming up, and you can choose how you respond and participate.

Write down all the things that happen at Christmas in your world. Write next to each one what you love and hate about each activity or responsibility. Each of the things on your list will have an energy. Some will be a hell yes. Some will be laced with dread! Take notice of how you feel.

Now make some decisions. What do you want to do? What do you need to do? What can you outsource? You can outsource just about anything these days. Get your house decorated, have meals prepared, and have your gifts wrapped. Have some conversations about what you do and don’t enjoy about the Christmas season. This doesn’t have to be expensive—swap jobs with people who enjoy different tasks than you! Maybe you cook and someone shops for your gifts! Maybe you clean while someone else decorates your house.

Having a plan will energise you! Getting organised will make you feel good. There is so much that can be done ahead of time. Make lists of things that can be done in October and November so December has more space.

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year to celebrate. You can celebrate yourself, the people who have supported and loved you, the people you support and love. It’s a time for generosity. A time to give—giving of ourselves creates more energy. Who could you give your time, your money, or your energy to this Christmas?

Get Energy:  Plan something that you want to do.
Create something special for you and a loved one.

Guard your energy by:  Get clear and honest about what you want.
Decide what you will and won’t do.

Give:  MAKE AN EFFORT  .Do significant things for significant people!
Be kind and generous doing things you do enjoy.

Maybe this is the year to do Christmas your way. To honour your energy and celebrate how you want to!