Choose your own adventure

They say travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. I know this resonates with those of you who have taken that trip of a lifetime, and those who know yours is still to come. Sometimes we’re all set and well prepared to go on an adventure; or a travel opportunity comes up at just the right moment.

This can happen when we can’t afford to wait for others to be ‘ready’. It’s time to go it alone.

The idea of travelling to a foreign land on your own can be terrifying. Regretting an opportunity in life is worse though. Fortunately, there’s thousands of resources and fellow travellers out there of all ages, sharing how to embrace this style of travel, should time and chance present. You can follow their blogs, Instagram and YouTube channels for inspiration and stories.

We’ve asked two of our favourite bloggers for their tips on where to start.

Geri Vladeva -

Geri Vladeva

Norway and Japan are my favourite destinations for solo female travel. Both cultures are highly respectful of personal space and, as an introverted person, it was very important to me to feel good and safe travelling alone. At the same time, people in these countries are friendly and helpful, in case you need assistance.

I’ve never had a truly scary moment during my solo travels. Sometimes, it is difficult not to feel confused when you can’t find your way around. Using your instincts and learning to be a good judge of character goes a long way and is enough to keep you going and safe.

I think the most important thing for first-time solo travellers is to carefully choose your destinations. Pick the ones that are known to offer a safe environment and only when you start feeling more experienced, go wild and adventurous. The common-sense and vigilant mind will help you out of any situation.

Naddya Wagner

Naddya Wagner

For me, the best solo travel destinations are those with lots of museums and attractions.

Not everyone is a history or art buff like me, so when travelling with other people, it’s hard to balance how long to spend at each site. When you travel alone, you can spend as much or as little time wherever you like.

My top solo travel destinations are Venice (Italy), Paphos (Cyprus), and Dubai (UAE). Navigating the streets or throwing out the map and getting lost in these cities is a great experience!

The most challenging moment I’ve had travelling alone was getting lost in Milan in Italy. While trying to find my accommodation on the first night in the city, I got confused. I went into a café, relaxed, asked for directions, and had to walk back a little. In the end, it was fine. My best advice to anyone considering solo travel is don’t be shy to ask for help.


Read about it

Go Your Own Way
by Ben Groundwater
(Hardie Grant)

Inspired? We hope so! A helpful new guide was dropped on our desks recently, offering ‘hacks, tips and tricks to travel the world solo’.

Go Your Own Way shares experience and insight on planning, how to make friends, how to stay safe, and how to call on your innate resourcefulness when travelling solo.

The book captures those common questions and answers around ‘solo travel’: How do I get used to eating in restaurants alone? What if I get sick? How do I carry everything? Where should I stay?

Getting to the good bit, author Ben Groundwater also covers top picks on the best places to start out exploring on your own. Whether Japan, Argentina, Germany, Vietnam or America take your fancy, there’s great inspiration in here for those of you thinking about taking an adventurous, life-changing leap this year.


By Sarah Blinco,, and Instagram @sarahblinco

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