Turning pain into purpose

Pain into Purpose featured image

Krissy Jewell explains how to use pain to identify the need for change and boost your own wellbeing 


Do you ever feel like you’re faced with people from the past, cycles, situations and bad habits repeatingyour boundaries being pushed? Change could be in the wind.  

If you’re feeling unsettled, anxious, depressed, or isolated, identify when you feel like this: in your relationships, with family or yourself? These feelings can be red flags, indicators that things are ‘not right’ and that change is needed. Often, when enough is enough, change is forced upon you.  

Are you there yet – should you act before enough is enough?   

I have been to the depths of pain many times. I used to wear my pain as my trophy; the more pain I experienced, the deeper meaning I attached to it. This behaviour was deeply ingrained from my childhood and I eventually realised that I had to change it 

How to acknowledge and identify the need to change before it gets ‘so bad’:

– Recognise your triggers, the indicators in your body 

– Take time out to STOP thinking, and start feeling; sit with your body and listen 

– Notice the emotions in your body as they arise and the situation(s) you are in 

– Explore why those feelings have surfaced 

– Check in with your body and notice if you have any aches, pains, congestion and explore what this may be related to (our trapped emotions can manifest into our physical body). 

Through quiet reflection we can determine where pain stems from. This is where you can begin turning pain into purpose, freeing yourself from the lesson that needs to be learned.   


Krissy Jewell - Turning pain into purpose


Turning pain into purpose:

Identify the lessons – what is this trying to teach you that is positive, relates to you and your futureGive thanks for the lesson and forgive those involved – that’s the starting point. Embrace selfcare habits that make you feel nurtured and loved. Engage in positive energy activities like dancing, listening to music and laughing with friends. Grounding activities like Yoga, meditation or even a walk in the park will really help too.  

When in survival mode (or on automatic response), we tend to not nourish and care for ourselves. It’s very easy to fall out of alignment with what your physical and emotional self needs. When you are aligned with who you are, you’ll be responsive rather than reactive. Bringing consciousness to your thoughts, feelings and actions will enable you to start to take back control of your life and turn your pain into purpose. 

You can change your story. Remember, your past does not define you.   



About the writer

Krissy Jewell is a transformation coach, healer and author who helps mums live their best lives. Register for her FREE upcoming masterclass: The Price of Pressure, limesrevivalacademy.com/register. The session is on the pressures of motherhood, and will cover topics like overwhelm and isolation.  Find Krissy on Facebook and Instagram.

Krissy Jewell - Get it Mag







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